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Work..Those of you who work outside the home or from home

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I know this has been asked many times, but I can find the post.


Those of you who work outside the home or from the home.

What do you do?

How do you schedule work and the kids?


I need to find a job paying around $800 a month.


I was thinking about delivering local papers, but could not find anything on the net, BUT the gas...anyone do this now? do you get paid for gas?


I also have heard of people working from home inserting ads into the newspaper...which would be a job I wouldn't mind doing, but not sure that it is true. My SIL did this, but did it at the warehouse.


Most online jobs don't seem legit. I think someone on here said they have a job doing something online. What do you do? Do you have to have a degree? (I don't have one)


My problem is dh works long hours and could work longer than regular shift, sometimes he doesn't get a day off. So I couldn't schedule working on his days off.


My kids are not that young--12 and 10..18 yr old will be in college and working, so he will never be home. I still feel like I need to be here with my kids.



I have been thought about babysitting..but I am not sure this would be the answer. I will need at least 3 kids to make around the amount I need and that is a lot of work and having to do school work! If I have to do it I will, though... How did you get the word out that you wanted to watch dc in home?




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I work a couple from home jobs and have considered others. Here are a few to get you started.


chacha.com This one is good because you don't have to have any pre-determined hours (or even minutes), the house doesn't have to be quiet, you can do whatever you want when you want. It does take a little time to get fast enough to make good money, but if you can search fast, you'll do fine. If you decide to do this one, please PM me for a referral.


LiveOps.com The main line is taking phone calls for infomercials (exercise programs, books, etc). You simply read the script so you don't need your own selling skills past learning to use your smile and inflection to encourage them. You get paid per minute talk time whether they buy or not though there are incentives if they buy unrelated items (magazines, etc). I work the insurance line. If you happen to have an insurance license, please PM me for referral.


Westathome.com is like LiveOps except they pay an hourly rate and take out the taxes. The latter is good but I have always made more money with LiveOps than West's hourly rate.


With either of these two, you pick and choose your hours on a 30 minute basis, but you do so ahead of time. So you can work 30 min or 3 hours or whatever. You will have to teach your kids that they have to be quiet while mom is working which is easy enough with kids your kids' ages.


ACDDirect does St. Jude and PBS calls (and a few others but those are their big ones). You can work whenever you want, however you want, but you do have to get a certain number of hours during peak periods 4 times per year to stay active. That usually isn't an issue for most people. I signed up with ACDDirect but got very ill and couldn't work that next peak period so became inactive.


Alpine Access is another great company and you're an employee which is good for taxes. It's also an hourly rate. This one is worked differently though. Each job offer has many shift options and you choose the one that works for you. Most people can probably find ONE that works, but due to my other responsibilities, I couldn't. But they'll give you like 10 choices like:


M-Th 12-6pm, Sat 8-2

M, W, F, S, S 12-6pm

M, W, Th, F 8-2 Sat 12-6


Your shift is set in stone just like a real job.


Babytobee.com has warm telemarketing. People sign up to get a call back. You call them and offer them a ton of stuff. You get paid $10/hour to do it.


So here are a few to get you started. HTHs,

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the first job I got was teaching swimming at the Y. I do Sat morning lessons and the very early adult lessons (learn to swim before work) one weekday morning a week. this does not pay well, but I go early and swim a lot of laps before I work. Because of this job I have a membership for my family, so it provides some recreation for all of us. I'm back home from the one weekday lesson by 9 am.


Last year we were in a bind I realized I needed to bring in more. I found a school that will employ 2 mornings a week (8 hours total). It pays really well, especially for part time work. Doing this required a bit of juggling. Last year dc went to a class part of the morning the class was taught near my mom's so that went well. This year I'm trading some time with another hs mom to cover some of the time I'm gone. I will be teaching her dd science. As far at academics, my dc are good independent workers for their ages (it's important to match the expectation to age). When I'm home it's all business for their school.


ds has a weekly paper route. He is paid by the paper. He is not paid for gas, even when his route was a lot bigger than it is now and definitely required driving. I would be surprised if you could find a paper route that would net $800. Since I work at the Y, it brings to mind an option you may not have considered. If you are willing to be away from home there are business that open early like healthclubs and rec centers that have 5-9am shifts at the reception desk. You could get home at 9:30 and start your home school day just a little late. You would have to get you dc to be independent about getting up, getting breakfast, doing a chore or two and starting an independent assignment. I don't know what time your dh leaves for work, but given that the time would be filled with basic morning routine it would not be that much time to be alone for some children. Unskilled reception work would probably not net $800 either, but it may fit your schedule if you can't find something to do at home.

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