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Science for SN?

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O.k. you all helped out with History ideas quite a bit. I am hoping you can help me with the science stuff, too.  DD is getting frustrated. DD wants to get better prepared for High School science and needs a more solid foundation than what I am giving her with our random science lessons.  


 I am running on 4-5 hours of sleep a night right now, trying to teach and run the family business from home so I have agreed that I am not providing her what she needs.  I just don't have time at the moment (DH out of town most of the time so really I function more like a single parent with a full time job who also teaches two SN kids and has some ongoing health issues).  



1.  DD was hoping for something like Plato or Thinkwell, where the lesson is taught by someone else, but I don't know how text heavy they are.

2.   Also, they are one year on line subscriptions.  Does any curriculum use DVD's anymore?

3.  She wants something structured, not random and can show her progress (I guess sort of like TT).  DH wants something that leans more secular for science, so no DIVE I guess? 


 I can supplement with reading and experiments, but I just never have time to prep lessons and she is not working independently in this subject for reading the material on her own.  She likes just logging on, watching a video explanation, then answering some questions, maybe having a discussion with me, etc. 


Any suggestions?  Just to get us through Middle School by the way....

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My dd did Singapore science, the seventh and eighth grade books.  She read the text and used the workbook.  She just worked through them herself and we found experiments where we could.  She is a very self-directed learner and motivated and does well with textbooks.  It is secular and rigorous.  She went from Singapore science at home to honors biology and chemistry at our local high school and is getting A's.  So it did prepare her.  There was some frustration because there were times when she could not complete the workbook assignments from the text book (this is a curriculum that was developed for use in a classroom and with science lectures).  There were times I helped her find information online or she did it herself.  Khan was a good place to go for help.  Good luck finding something that works for your dd.  I find science to be the hardest thing to cover at home, once you get beyond elementary school.  Because we can dual enroll in ps and homeschool in our state we do high school science at the high school.  But she was well prepared after the Singapore.  



Sorry, somehow I missed the video watching requirement, not enough coffee this morning.  Have you checked out Khan academy?  If you could find a secular spine, Singapore or any textbook really, you could combine the two.  Hopefully someone else will have some better help lol.  Good luck.

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