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Learning to read: what program did you find that worked best?


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My oldest (6) has finally started to make real progress now that I have started using Logic of English. I am currently using Essentials modified to her level.


We tried a long list of programs, OPGR, phonics pathways, progressive phonics, 100 EZ, alpha-phonics. She hated (shockingly my calm, quiet child had "violent" reactions) all of them except progressive phonics, and she wasn't really making progress with progressive phonics.


She desperately needed a program that made reading as much like math as possible. LoE has been great. We will probably take a break from essentials, and drop into Foundations as I am planning on starting it with my almost 5 y/o. The hope is that they can work together through foundations (starting around b) and then go through essentials together.


My dd4 is very different from her older sister and actually is a more fluent reader. She is pretty much learning to read without direct instruction, she just occasionally hangs out while I am working w/ big sister. My 6 y/o is capable of sounding out more complex words, but struggles with "easy" words at times. my 4 y/o easily reads words and word patterns she has exposure to.

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I used Leapfrog DVDs and Starfall to teach letter sounds, then started on OPG. I also supplement with Explode the Code since both my girls are workbook fans. We take readers out of the library or from our shelves at home. We have a big celebration with a pricey ice cream shop trip after the last lesson in OPG.


I truly love OPG. It's worked so well for my night and day kiddos.

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Well I'm still teaching my 6 year old how to read so I'm not sure yet what really works for him.


My oldest went through the lessons in the back of Why Johnny Can't Read. We simply went through each day's list and spelled them and he used them as writing practice. He also went through ETC to about book 5 and read lots of Nora Gaydos books and Dr Seuss. He worked through this book 

http://www.amazon.com/McGraw-Hill-Reading-Pupil-Workbook/dp/0021859507/ref=pd_sim_b_1 He also worked with the Starfall website


What really helped his reading take off however was spelling. We used Sequential Spelling in 1st and it reinforced all of the basic phonics he needed to read.


I've been using OPGTR (not a huge fan) and ETC with my 6 year old. He plays all the games and websites as well. He really enjoys workbooks (The Complete Book of Reading and MCP Plaid) but I've pulled my WRTR off the shelf. And I'd like to move him into SeqSpell soon.


I'm a firm believer in the spell to read method. 




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