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AAS 3 question


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We are starting level 3 tomorrow. I know this has been asked in previous threads, but I'd like to know specifically what a typical week looks like for level 3. I noticed right away it looks "meatier" and the biggest thing I noticed is that there are a LOT more sentences to dictate.


Each step in level 2 took us 2, sometimes 3 days if I stretched it out.


How long do you spend on each step? Do you just split the sentences between those days, or not do them all? I'm open to tips! Thanks.


Oh, and I've always wondered, how do you use the green word cards? Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I haven't gotten them out of the box yet.

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We are on Step 18 of level 3.  We usually go over the new words/rule on the first day.  Then I split up the dictation sentences over the next 3 days.  I keep track of any words she missed and repeat those sentences or make up a new sentence with missed words on Friday.  We review the green word cards every day before starting dictation sentences. 


Writing Station is new for level 3 and she loves to make up her own sentences.  First I have her spell each word on the white board.  Then she chooses 2 or more to make into a sentence.  The next day she uses the unused words.


Overall, spelling usually only takes about 10-15 minutes.

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As stated before, be aware that the "Writing Station" is new & appears around Step 14; it caught me off guard.  Before that point, we would do the following:  

Day 1:  Word Analysis, new teaching, & 10 words

Day 2:  4 sentences from dictation & maybe a few of the "More Words" as a warm up

Day 3:  4 sentences from Dictation & maybe a few of the "More Words" as a warm up

Day 4:  4 sentences from Dictation & maybe a few of the "More Words" as a warm up


Once we added the Writing Station, I increased the number of sentences to 5 each day.  Then on day 4, we'd have 2 dictation sentences & all of the Writing station.


It doesn't take us long, either, but I have a natural speller.


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