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How have you used EPGY?


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If your child used EPGY, did he/she use it along with the standard curriculum (MM, Singapore, etc.)? Was it for review of concepts learned or acceleration? How much time per week did your child spend using it?


DS is finishing up MM1 and I'm wondering if this would be a good resource for us to add in the summer and beyond. We already have Dreambox, so I'm not sure if it is worth enrolling in an Open Enrollment Group.

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My DD used it when she first started formal math--she liked that if she showed she had mastery of something, it let her move on and only slowed her down if she wasn't getting a concept. She was able to move quickly through the first several years and get to the proper level, while still covering all the necessary basics.


I wasn't all that thrilled about a little kid being on the computer, so I switched her to Singapore once she got to her true level. Singapore and EPGY felt so similar to me that it felt repetitive to do both. To accelerate Singapore, I preferred to add IP, CWP, MEP, Life of Fred, etc.

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