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Subscribing to teacherfilebox

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My yearly subscription is just about up and I can't figure out if it will automatically renew or not. The FAQ says that subscriptions automatically renew and then in the next paragraph it says "to renew enter your credit card info on the payment screen"! It wouldn't be that big of a deal except that the price I got last year is $30 cheaper than it is now. If it doesn't automatically renew, I don't want to pay the extra money! Anybody have experience with this?

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I think I have to enter in every year. At least it always seems like I discover it has run out by trying to log out and finding myself shut out until I pay up. :)


Have you checked to see if they are still offering a discount through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op? If they still are and you go through them,  the right price may not show up - I had to email for help last year. Customer service fixed it quickly once they knew what had happened. 

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They are offering it through the Buyers co-op.....but the discount only brings it down to $100 instead of $70 like I paid last year. I'm afraid if I get shut out, I'll have to pay the $100. That's bordering on not worth it for me.


I guess it couldn't hurt to just enter my info again. If they charged me twice, that would be easy enough to dispute and get fixed!

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