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Finally made the move, Soooo is there anyone here in Toronto?

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My dh and I have been bouncing the idea of moving to Toronto for a while now. We lived 1.5 hours east of there and he commuted everyday, so finally the timing was right and we moved. We have been here since the middle of December and I am curious as to what the homeschooling community is like here. There is/was an yahoo group called Torhschool but they had a troll infiltration and basically shut it down to start a new one where members must be known to join(which is fine and dandy, but sucks if you don't have any homeschool connections or are just starting out). I wish there was an Facebook one like my last city because it was nice to tie faces to names. My last city was very, very unchooly though, there was not even one other classical homeschooler in my area so I would love to finally meet some other like minded people :) I thought I would throw this out there now that our Christmas holidays are coming  to an end. 

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