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I need a little French help

Trivium Academy

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This is so embarrassing but I want to get it right :blush:



I bought a perpetual French calendar that includes a weather wheel so that the kids can move the hand to indicate the type of weather outside.


Please tell me what these are and the correct wording/grammar:


Pluie (I know this mean rain but what in what tense? It is raining is Il pleut, right?)

Temps ennsoleillé (Sunny weather?)

Brouillard (fog)

Temps venteux (windy)

Gréle (hailstorm)

Verglas (ice)

Neige (snow)

Orage (thunderstorm)

Passages nuageux (would this be partly cloudy?)

Temps nuageux (cloudy weather?)


How would you use these words in a sentence? I haven't learned this yet and I want to be able to have model sentences for these. I have helps like En janvier, il neige. En avril, il fait du vent.


I'd like to be able to model It is ____ today. I know that is Il fait ________ aujourd'hui.


Thank you!

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