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Writing for dds in 7th and 8th

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My two older dds are in 7th and 8th grades this year. The older is dyslexic, and they are both behind in writing. Older can write a great narration, and we are working hard on spelling with Apples and Pears and grammar/ punctuation with Easy Grammar. She is doing well with Wordsmith, which I like, and writing History narrations, but for her it is not enough. Next dd is doing well with Spelling Workout G and Winston Grammar Basic (almost finished and will then start Advanced). She has done WWE off and on and is now doing WWS 1, but still can't write a coherent paragraph. My older dss write very well, and I have tried hard with these two, but I need help! They need practice again writing a well- crafted sentence, then paragraphs, then longer compositions. I need to get them up to speed. They have both read lots of good literature. I have looked at IEW but have never really liked it. I would love your suggestions. Thanks! Lillian

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Have you looked at EPS Writing Skills by Diana Hanbury King?  They are inexpensive workbooks with different levels.  The workbooks start at the beginning and teach writing step-by-step.  I credit this series with finally getting my DDs writing without stress and tears.




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