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Hard to find people to work


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Yes, the business paid nearly $10,000.00 taxes on $29.000.00 profit. Liability insurance is also very, very high in this state. Dad's premiums are through the roof, and his workman's comp insurance premiums are as well. However, large corporations have been given HUGE breaks on this by the state government. Even insurance premiums...the state oft times subsidizes those at tax payer expense or even exempts the corporation all together from paying into workman's comp for a certain number of years. Generally, in Michigan anyway, when the tax exemptions and subsidies run out, the employer - ie. the company - leaves the state and heads for greener pastures such as Montana who is right now playing that same game in order to encourage companies to move there.


Small business gets nothing.


That said, I think I'm going to have to enforce a board break for myself pretty soon. I used to be able to have these discussions and stay pretty level headed and unemotional. However, we've had something very bad happen in our family, and I'm feeling pretty bleak. I'm not exercising the best self-control about staying out of difficult, heavy hearted discussions. But, did want to address why small businesses struggle so much because it is important for people to know.



I am sorry Faith. :(

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