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Car Waxes - questions for anyone with relatives/friends who have worked at a car wash


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My car is a minivan, and too big for me to manage washing and waxing myself (I need a ladder to reach the top of the car.)  All I want is a simple exterior wash, with a periodic wax to help protect the paint from the elements. I take my car to a local "hand wash" place.


The number of wax choices are confusing, though.  Yesterday, my options were:

* Sealer Wax - sprayed on in the tunnel after the wash - $2

* Triple Coat Wax - sprayed on in the tunnel after the wash - $3.50

* Spray Wax - the car was driven around to the detailing bays for this - $9.99

* Hand Wax - this was available only with the top-of-the-line washing option - $25.00


They wouldn't do a Hand Wax unless I bought the top-of-the-line wash, and I didn't want a bunch of those products.  I went with the Spray Wax, figuring that a wax that was done in the detailing bay would be a little better than one of the waxes that are just sprayed on in the wash tunnel.  The manager said it would last for 29 days.  


Can anyone explain the difference between these types of wax?  Are the types that are sprayed on in the wash tunnel even worth it - do they protect the car for very long at all?  Should I get the Spray Wax monthly?  


Thanks for any help or advice!


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