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Anybody try My Father's World for 6-8th grades?

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I'm going to say this at risk of sounding like a huge jerk. Donna and cbollin dominate every MFW thread on this board. This poster specifically asked for other posters' advice and it seems to me like basically the entire thread is the two posters above going back and forth.


I know many people irl who love MFW. We are using it this year for the first time and it's been great. I almost used something else, though, because every thread on here is dominated by the same users and no one else comments. I wonder if no one else on WTM uses it, or does no one else comment for fear of getting over run? I at times have even questioned if the total enthusiasm was because of getting paid to be a message board rep. I don't *think* that is the case, but too much enthusiasm can leave just as much of a negative taste as too much criticism.


I was honestly surprised to find that we enjoyed MFW this year. I was happy to do my own thing for science despite being told I should stick strictly with the program.


I just think MFW threads on this board typically sound overly positive and the discussion is always taken down the same path by the same posters. MFW offers a decent product. Give it a chance to be discussed openly by all. I think it can stand the heat!


Now, I will go hide under a rock.

This is not fair, logical, or nice. It doesn't feel good to be told you talk too much, especially about something you love, and love to talk about. This is a Romans 14 issue! Donna and Crystal should have liberty to act according to their consciences bout how often and how much they say about mFW. And we should show love towards one another, even if we disagree.


Also, none of us feels obligated to take their advice. If you don't want to do science their way, and if I don't take their advice on whether to do ADV vs SOTW this year, that's okay. We asked, they helped us think it through, and either confirmed or disproved our thoughts on a matter.


Secondly, this is a forum. Doesn't that mean a lot of talking? I bless Crystal for the bumps she gave my mfW thread currently up, because otherwise no one would have responded. It would have been lost.


Further, it's a forum about curriculum. I don't understand why we would want to limit the expression of the most experienced promoters of a curriculum on a forum specifically for curriculum.


I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree with your solution. If we have curriculum questions, we should say them and let whoever wants to respond talk, even if they respond exactly per our expectations. Every curriculum has its experienced advisors on this forum. If I ask about Bravewriter, TOG, HOD, WRTR, science, SM, or What Your __ Needs to Know, I can guess ahead of time a couple of the responders.


That doesn't have to be a negative. Often it's positive. Sometimes all the talk makes more people check out the thread and feel emboldened to speak, as I did in this thread, even though I wasn't sure I should put my oar in on the subject. Sometimes the poster hopes that the experienced users will chime in so they know how to tweak something, as I asked in my other post. I kept watching this post for Donna's name, hoping she'd give her opinion about my situation as well as others! instead, Crystal deleted all of her helpful comments. :(


I am very glad you posted and hope you will continue to give your thoughts on MFW or whatever. Just don't rebuke others for giving their thoughts as well. In fact, I hope you'll check back on my thread, because I have a couple of ?'s for you! Maybe if you and others spoke up more, there would be new "oldies" speaking for a program, and the others wouldn't mind taking a rest.


There are way more advisors for mfW on the FB and yahoo groups. But they're not as classically minded often, and on the FB group, it's not conducive to long responses. A couple of women in my epically long post said either one word, "Wait," with no reasons or justifications that really made me think they were trying to understand my position, or they said, "I didn't read the whole thing, but have you thought about...." And then proceed to ask ?s about things I already addressed in my post. Really, I felt like crystal pegged my situation better than the FB posters, and tried to get a feel for my children to help place them correctly.

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I'm a MFW user.  I respond on almost all MFW threads, even when I don't have the experience to offer. I often have a different opinion than the other wonderful and helpful ladies.  I am leaving MFW....But, I do love their K and 1st.  We are doing Adv and I have researched a ton about the overall program.  So, I often speak up if I have anything to add, even ignorant rambling ;)


I have been reading this thread since the OP started it.  I did not respond on this one because my oldest is in 2nd grade.  I truly have nothing to add to this MFW thread.  The only thing I could have said is that I don't think I will use MFW for 7th and 8th because I don't want to have to try to beef it up.  I'm finding that isn't my cup of tea.


(Amy, I saw yours and just haven't had a chance to respond...I think Adv is more of a 2nd grade program.  I would do it next year. ;))


OP - I agree with everyone...MFW is probably not what you are looking for.  Of course, I'm talking out of mostly ignorance since my oldest is in 2nd!  :lol:


And, one last thing, if you have never watched White Collar...you should totally check it out!  :D

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I at times have even questioned if the total enthusiasm was because of getting paid to be a message board rep.



I just re-read Stacey's post and saw this, which I'd missed before and *need* to respond to.


What an accusation!  :huh:   You are DEAD WRONG about this assumption, Stacey.  I do NOT, nor have I ever been, paid or compensated by MFW in any way to represent them on the forums.  EVER.  I'm a 50-year-old mom with three children that I've been homeschooling for 13+ years, and who discovered and began using MFW in late 2004.  Crystal's been using it even longer than I have.  I'm sorry if our comments upset you, but we *do* have a lot of experience with the curriculum... at all levels.  I've also used some non-MFW curriculum along the way.  Different kids and seasons and all that. 


Your children are very young.  Try and be patient with us older women who've been down the road quite a ways farther at this point. 


Btw, perhaps you've never noticed, but I sometimes give recommendations for curriculum other than MFW, too.  In fact, I did so earlier in this very thread....

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Donna - I've loved reading your HOD v. MFW comparisons!  As a matter of fact, you are who first really pointed me to HOD. I had looked at it before, but after your post, I took a much harder look at it. I think in the thread you were suggesting MFW to the OP because it has the features they were looking for over HOD.  However from that discussion (one of the first I read on this board), I realized that HOD had what I was wishing MFW did.  It was SO very helpful to me.  Pretty sure that OP went with MFW and I'm pretty sure we are trying HOD next year.  LOL!!  I have also read your posts about FIAR.  So, I have enjoyed your comparison posts.  :)

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