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Changing Boy Scout Troops...


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My son has tried this troop for 1.5 years.  It's just not working and he wants out.  We told him it was his choice.  Anyway, there's another troop that he's somewhat interested in trying because he already knows one of the boys there.   Is there any kind of etiquette to doing this??   Do you just stop one and go to another??  Our older boys tried BS and just didn't like it - at all -  so this is new territory.



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Not sure you CAN change troops within LDS. Aren't they based on the ward in which you live? They are here.


oh good grief!! Typo alert.  I meant to say "I'm not LDS" ... sorry about the confusion and not catching that typo sooner (I usually check and re-check for them as I'm notoriously bad at it). :blushing:

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