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Our WWE3 Success


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We have used WWE from the beginning, and I have always felt that it was the right curriculum for us.  But as we started WWE3, I felt like we were getting really lost with the narrations.  Dd8 just didn't get how to do those summaries.  I could ask her the summary questions, but she did not understand how she would otherwise know what to put in the summary.  


So a few weeks ago, I started to share with her all of the information in the manual that appeared to be for the teacher.  Most especially, we concentrated on the stated focus of each lesson.  We talked about what it meant to identify the central narrative thread, the central details or the central theme, and why that particular focus was appropriate for the given passage.  


Lately, as she has been doing other assigned reading, she has started to figure out what kind of summary is appropriate for the book she has read.  I didn't ask her to do this, though it would have been a good idea had she not thought of it on her own.  But I am just so excited that this has started to click for her that I wanted to share in case it is a help for someone else.  

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