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Anyone else dreading Thanksgiving family drama?


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My brother's youngest son is getting married this Saturday. He and his wife, the boy's step mom, do not approve nor do they like the girl's family, and they are in foul moods about it. My nephew's mother has made a few tactical errors in dealing with the future in laws, the mother of the bride being a classic drama queen, and so there has been fighting between my brother and his ex. Not only are we NOT looking forward to the wedding because we are worried that the parties involved won't behave themselves and will ruin the couple's special day, but we expect the angst and the drama to continue through the holiday season as the young couple then tries to make the rounds on Thanksgiving Day between three households.


On top of which, my SIL is also a huge drama queen with a "the world should serve me because I'm such a special snowflake" kind of mentality so she's no peach at any gathering without the added angst of the wedding drama.


UGH...I'd pull the plug on the whole thing and stay home, but my mom just turned 70 and her health is not all that great. Without my help, she'll exhaust herself but being the traditional grandmother that she is, she also won't refuse to host the event. GRRRRR......so I'll suck it up and be there for her. I may tell some people off though. My patience for this has just about run its course.



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I adore my DH's side of the family (they are the only ones we spend holidays with).  I et along with them all great.  I like being there for the holidays as we rarely get to see them... however....

There is always drama of some sort.  I usually can stay out of it, as can my kids, so - we're more just watching from the sidelines, lol.  I think just getting any large family together causes it. 

Your (OP) drama sounds more like real issues that you have to address, which makes staying on the sidelines impossible.  :grouphug:

I think your plan sounds great, and if you stick to your guns in a calm nice way - maybe you'll have less drama than you realize (one can hope, right?).

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The holidays come with drama and this year will be no exception. My mother expects us to come to her house, she hasn't said anything yet but I know its expected, were gluten free, without fail every year something gets messed up and I get sick. There's also the fact that I can not drink the water in their new house. I get really sick from it, I can't eat anything thats been cooked in it no matter how long it was boiled. No idea what the problem is but the local well water makes me very sick. (There was heavy mining in the area for over 100 years, guessing its the toxins in the ground) My house is on city water and doesn't bother me. That said I will tell my mother were having it at my house this year, she and her DH are welcome to come and bring their own stuffing and apple pie, I will be serving GF versions they find unacceptable. (yes, rude I know but every holiday they have made ME bring our safe food for us and I will not contaminate our kitchen with gluten, I react to trace amounts)


I'm pretty sure she's intending to invite my 2 uncles who live up here, I like 1, the other, I manage to piss off just by existing, he's cranky and intolerant beyond belief. I keep my mouth shut when were eating meals together at my moms house to keep the peace. I have managed to avoid him the past month since were in our own place now:) I'd really rather not invite him but I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't.


I'm pretty sure my mom will decline coming but oh boy is it going to cause a stink. I plan to have xmas at our house too, you should have seen the stink when I refused to show up at her house at 6am xmas morning to open the presents they got for the kids. (I said we would come at 10am) Yes, she expected us to get up, eat, have our own xmas celebration and leave by 5:45am. We decided to just stay the night at her house xmas eve to save the fuss, it was fate that my car wouldn't start that evening:) Honest, I had nothing to do with it. The cold zapped the battery, great timing though! We had a wonderful slow xmas morning with a big fire going:) She ended up picking us up around noon for xmas dinner I think:)


Anyway, holidays mean drama in my family, I don't remember to many pleasant ones. All I want is a calm meal in my own home with no drama where I don't have to watch every word I say.


Who else is dreading the family drama?


We go camping e.v.e.r.y thanksgiving. The only drama is in how long it takes to get a fire built and excitedly wondering and anticipating how many animal encounters we'll have.


Go camping!

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