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Need help with hard math problem

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I'm changing the name so I'm not doing a copyright infringement, but otherwise, here goes:


"Bob has 10 coins in his pocket (no silver dollars). He does not have exact change for a dollar, a half-dollar, a quarter, a dime, or a nickel. How much money does Bob have in his pocket?"




If it was asking for the most possible quantity, I could figure that out. Otherwise, I'm stuck. HELP PLEASE!


P.S. This is from 3rd-5th grade homework, Continental Math League.

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I'm changing the name so I'm not doing a copyright infringement, but otherwise, here goes:


"Bob has 10 coins in his pocket (no silver dollars). He does not have exact change for a dollar, a half-dollar, a quarter, a dime, or a nickel. How much money does Bob have in his pocket?"


Let's see...


No change for a nickel: if he has pennies, he can only have 4 pennies max.

No change for a dime: if he has nickels, he can only have 1 nickel max.

No change for a quarter: if he does have a nickel, he can not have two dimes; if he does not have a nickel, he can have however many dimes.

No change for a half-dollar: if he has any dimes, he can only have 4 dimes max; if he has any quarters, he can only have 1 quarter max .

No change for a dollar:  he can only have 1 half-dollar max. If he has 1 half-dollar, he can only have 1 quarter max.


If he does have 1 half-dollar:

He can only have 1 quarter.

He can have 4 dimes max. If he has 4 dimes, he may not have a nickel.

He needs 4 more coins: 4 pennies.

So he has $1.19.


If he does not have a half-dollar, he can have 1 quarter, 4 dimes max (If he has more than 2 dimes, he can not have a nickel.)

He needs 5 more coins, but that is not possible, since he can only have 4 pennies.


Hope I made no mistake.

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