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Can sound out word in isolation but not in a sentence


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Ds is 5 and learning how to read but he is going to take quite a while to learn. He used to sound out words with pauses so we went back to blending with two letters before we moved onto 3. He finally is sounding out words pretty well a lot of the time in isolation. If he doesn't get distracted he will rattle a word off fast. For some reason when he is reading words in sentences he is sounding out the words with pauses again. Has anyone had an issue similar to this? Will it work itself out eventually? I am using AAR right now and I like it for the most part.

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Reading words in a sentence is a little more intimidating, because there are all those other words there. :D You could try cutting a square or rectangle out of the corner of an index card, and just show one word at a time. That helps with this issue.


Another resource I like is Reading Pathways. It has triangle sentences. So the top starts with one word, then the next line is that word plus another word, then each line adds another word or two. By the end, they're reading one long sentence and didn't even realize it! DS2 loves that book. You may need to practice a bit more before your child is ready for it, but it might be something to keep in mind for later on.


It will work itself out eventually. Your son is a very young 5 (this month?), so it sounds like he's doing very well!

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