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Sonlight: 4-Day or 5?


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I've been perusing previous posts (say that 3X real fast) on Sonlight and I haven't really found an answer to my question. I recently purchased Core 4 and I'm a little intimidated by the IG! My son is an avid reader and is really excited about all the books, but I'm trying to decide if we want to do the 4-day or 5-day plan. I'm only using SL for history and geography, we have separate writing, grammar, science, and math plus typing and Bible.


Will the 5-day be a lot more time-consuming than the 4-day? (I don't mind doing the 5-day if it's worth it). Have any of you done 4-day and supplemented with some of the 5-day things? I also think my son will want to read more than a chapter at a time, he'll most likely want to finish the darn thing in one sitting if he likes the book instead of jumping from one book to another. Has anyone done more reading up front and then spent a couple of days doing the work?


If you've done Core 4, feel free to fill in the blanks: If I were doing it over again, I'd make sure to do ___________ and skip __________ if I didn't have the time to do it all.


I'd appreciate any feedback on whether to stick to the IG or do it differently, and also the 4- vs 5-day plan. It's all new to me!



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What I usually do is to buy the 5 day program but I do the 4 day schedule. Sometimes we finish books quicker than the schedule and then I slip in the 5 day books or if we don't get to them during the school year then we read them over the summer.;) I hate to miss out on any really good books so this works well for us.


We have used sonlight for 5 years now and core 4 was our favorite core ever. The only suggestions I really have are that I didn't think enough time was devoted to World Wars I and II but sonlight has switched that around a little this year and added a new book for that period so that might have changed. The other thing I did that I was really glad I did was to do a lap-book for the Civil War. The one I got was from Live and Learn press and really helped ds keep track of things. We used some of the little mini books just to record things we had learned in the sonlight books. There were several web-sites suggested to find info for the mini books and ds really learned alot while checking them out. He especially enjoyed the one on the Monitor and the Merrimac.


Anyway, core 4 is awesome and you are in for a great year!:D

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We will be doing Sonlight core 4 this year too, but I have not ordered yet. We will be starting in late September and will be using Geography,History and reading combined with the other curriculum I have listed in my siggy. Now I'm definitely going to consider going with the 5-day plan rather than the 4-day.






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