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I am so upset - DD, BSF, and allergies

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Well, I've been in BSF, CBS, and Precept I was a Children's Leader for BSF and had plenty of "non-perfect" kids, although I have no idea if there were any children with Tourette's, Asperger's, or epi-pens. BSF was a bit rigid for me as I am bascially an unstructured person. I love the Teaching Leader mentioned in a previous post who, with humor, did a weekly moment explaining the way things are done. For me, I LOVED the teaching I received in BSF. I was a young believer when I was in BSF, and studying the Bible in this way grounded me in the Word and gave me such a love for it. I was in CBS for 1 semester, and although I enjoyed it, I didn't find the teaching as rigorous. Then I spent several years in Precept. I loved the Bible study, loved my small group, but missed a live lecture. We mostly watched video tapes of Kay Arthur or other teachers.


During my earlier years I SO longed to be a Teaching Leader. I absolutely LOVE to teach the Bible, speak to large groups of women, and lead. So, being a Teaching Leader would have been a great fit for me. But, I never could do that b/c I'm a pastor's wife. They will allow pastor's wives to be Discussion Leaders, but not Teaching Leaders b/c of the role they feel she needs to be playing in her own church. Also, my views of speaking in tongues have changed through the years. I have ceased to be a cessasionist and believe that all the gifts are for today. And, although I don't know for sure what their views of eschatology are, but from teaching I received while in BSF, I believe they are pre-millenial dispensationalists, and I'm not. With that, I imagine my views of Israel are somewhat different as well.


So, now God has me in a different place. I speak at women's gatherings and have even preached at church on Mother's Day for two years now. I disciple women in our church. And I'm alongside my husband serving ministry leaders (men and women) by providing training, encouragement, etc. I still have friends/family who are in leadership with BSF and was SO blessed by this ministry when I was involved. But, this is a different season.


I'm so sorry that this has been painful. I'm also sorry that you were excited about something that's not going to happen. That's hard. I'm particularly sorry for your child who may feel unaccepted now. This is not how Jesus views her. Jesus says, "Come to me. Climb into my lap, precious one." I'm praying for both of you!

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This rule comes from headquarters, not our local group, so there's not much I can do at this level. They are very serious about following headquarter's rules.


I'm betting they are excluding all children that have known medical issues (epilepsy, diabetes, etc.), but you are right that there are many people walking around undiagnosed. DD herself was diagnosed less than a year ago, after mentioning that eating fruit made her face itch.


My DS has Asperger's and I am just so tired of having my children excluded from things because of something they can't control.


There is another type of bible study similar called, " Community Bible Study" (?), you can check to see if there is one in your area. BSF is a great program, but there are many others out their too. If this door is closed then there IS another opened somewhere else. The search would be worth it.

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  • 15 years later...

I read several of these posts with interest. I attended BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) for 17 years and was a group discussion leader for 12 of them. My husband and I have been participating in CBS (Community Bible Study) together now for 4 years. I found both of them to be wonderful Bible studies that left me in awe of how much I was able to learn and grow spiritually and in community with others. However, anything run by man will have problems and flaws. When we run into them, it is important to seek Gods wisdom and guidance through prayer before taking any action or giving up. 

Dear Rhonda in Texas, I hope you talk to the teaching leader and/or organization’s representative to see if something can be worked out where you and your daughter can both participate, even if it is different than what you had envisioned. As the mom of a daughter with medical and intellectual disabilities, I often volunteered in activities and programs so my daughter could participate. Sometimes I was weary or even resentful that I had to do what other moms took for granted, but I was always blessed in ways I couldn't have anticipated. God is good that way, right?!

I also second the suggestions made above to check out the CBS adult and childrens programs if you have one near you. Blessings!








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