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Recommendations for learning Korean

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I would like to learn Korean but I don't know what program to choose. Rosetta Stone is my top choice so far but on their website it looks like there is only Level 1 available.


Power Glide and Learnables don't have Korean.


I would really like to learn Korean but more to have a converation and not just for travelling in Korea.


Is it even possible to take on a task like this and succeed?

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that I found for my son when he announced that he wanted to take Chinese. yes, for those who are careful readers, you'll remember a few months back he wanted to study Arabic...anyway, our city has a Chinese School for learning the language and culture, mostly directed at Chinese-American families whose children are not fluent in Chinese. I wouldn't be surprised if there are similar schools for Korean. Our local Chinese school welcomes any student so ds will take the language there.


Best of luck!

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Have you checked to see if a local university offers the language? Some might even offer it as an "extension" course, a non-credit evening or weekend course. I had a friend who took such a course as she wanted to learn Korean in order to be able to speak with her in-laws in their native language. Campus bookstores would also be a great place to look for materials for learning the language, and would be a place to find Korean students who would like to earn a little extra money by tutoring the language.


I would think, if you are motivated, that Rosetta Stone would get you started with conversational Korean, then you can add to that weekly conversation sessions with a local native speaker. Also, are you in or near a major metropolitan area that might have a Korean tv channel? Some channels have blocks of time devoted to programming in different Asian languages, so you have to figure out which hours are for the Korean shows. We've got a cable channel broadcasting the Olympics in Korean, and another channel that shows lots of Korean soap operas -- and don't forget Sun and Jin on Lost whose conversations are always subtitled!!


I've heard it is a difficult language, but encourage you to tackle it. I studied Mandarin in college (have a BA and MA in Chinese Studies) and later a Japanese through an extension course. Go for it!

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and boy, it's pretty hard! There is a LOT of material there. I don't think you would cruise through it. My boys & I have spent time in Korea and it's still taking us a while to get through the Rosetta Stone lessons. So, just my $0.02, but I think Rosetta Stone would be a great start, along with, as Jenn & Catherine mentioned, finding a school or a Korean student to converse with. Korean TV is also a good idea.



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