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What does SM 3A + BA 3A look like in your house?


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How do you make this work? How does it work for you, and about how long does it take?


Any advice to give to a mom who is maybe a teensy bit rigid and has a hard time letting any little bit of anything go? I generally feel like if I am doing two math curriculum then something has to give. But I don't want anything to give, I want to do it all! So then I start to put the schedule in front of my child's needs, which isn't isn't good educating.


So, I have the text and the workbook for SM (and challenging word problems etc but let's not think about that right now) and I have BA. We do math 5 days a week a week.

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We did Singapore on the weekdays and one hour of BA on Saturday and another Sunday. I highlighted the most important problems I wanted DS to do in BA so he wasn't wasting time not being challenged. Sometimes if there were a lot of similar problems I highlighted a couple of each type to give him variety. We always read the guide and we always did the starred problems.

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I've got a math loving kid on my hands, he picks up new concepts quickly and despises unnecessary repetition so here's what it looks like for us:


SM in the mornings with mommy. We use the TB, IP, and CWP. The workbook got ditched a long time ago as it added nothing except extra practice he didn't need (and drove him bonkers). 15-30 minutes depending on how he's feeling that day. Generally 6 days a week. We all do better with a consistent schedule.


LOF as our reading/math supplement on the couch in the morning.


BA in the afternoon with daddy. This doesn't happen everyday, we're working on that. Right now it's probably 3-4 days a week for 30-90 minutes. He gets really engrossed in it sometimes. Legoman adores the beasts. They are his friends and he would gladly spend all day on it sometimes.


He's moving through both curriculum so quickly though and we wish he'd slow down. I'm running out of ways to do so though and he's on track to finish the 3rd grade books early next year.

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DS is slogging through the Math Mammoth Multiplication 2 worktext at the moment and BA is the bribe to get through MM. He does 2-3 pages in MM and then he can do 1-2 pages in BA. I've been picking topics in BA that are more visio-spatial to be a break from all the multi-digit multiplication practice.

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