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introducing a new guinea pig to your cage...share tips, stories, etc


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Have them meet in a neutral location, like the bathtub.  There will probably be some um, mounting, going on.  :)  Just stay close to act as a referee.  I probably wouldn't leave them alone all in the same cage overnight unless they've gone all day with each other without any issues.  That is of course, assuming they're all the same sex.  :)  My two had their own "pigloos" to have their own space.  They didn't like each other much, but they tolerated each other and knew to stay out of each other's space.  LOL  


Good luck!  I miss my piggies!

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thanks for the links. it does mention to NOT put the new piggie in with the other ones, which I understand.


We have C&C cage...can I put a divider in it to keep them apart, but not isolated from each other?


Also, since he isn't coming from a store, I don't have to do the quarentine thing, do I? He has been alone at his previous home for months...and he hasn't shown any signs of disease or illness.


I will find a good place to first introduce them to eachother right away...but then when it's cage time, I only have the one cage...so I am hoping that will be ok.



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