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Chemistry labs---which 10 from this list???

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I am in the process of doing the lab component for Chemistry with ds.


ETA:  This is for a student who much prefers Biology, Environmental Studies, etc.  I know there is Chemistry involved in the Biological sciences, but he doesn't really like Chemistry, so I'm trying to make this as painless as possible for both of us.  I'm not a big fan of Chemistry either ;)  Had a terrible high school experience.


I have the Experiences in Chemistry guide by Kathleen Julicher at Homeschool Science Press.  I have all the full-size equipment and chemicals for everything listed in the TOC.


Here is the list of experiments:




So...if we were to choose a limited number of labs to complete (we've already done about 8 from the textbook, which he's through with) which ones would be MUST DO's from the above list?


I've had him working on Section 1 for the past few days and he's bored stiff.  It mostly consists of formulas and whatnot and he can do those in his sleep.  He wants to get on with actual laboratory work...using his equipment...most of the other lab sessions have more hands-on work.


Hoping someone can suggest about 10 from the above list that would round out his lab portion of Chemistry.  I'm not expecting him to have mastery of this subject, but rather a good exposure to lab procedure, set up, equipment, measuring, recordkeeping, etc. 



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Not knowing anything more than the titles of the labs, here's what I'd suggest:


One density experiment - once you can calculate density, move on

2.3 - how freezing and boiling pt are affected by salts is somewhat intriguing to students

Chp 3 - I'd pick whichever chemical reactions look the most fun; balancing equations is important but not so much a lab skill; I'd look at 3.6. 3.7, and 3.8

4.2 - of the kinetics labs, my students are most surprised by how the reaction rate varies with temperature

5.2 - generation of hydrogen gas tends to be the most "fun" gas to generate

6.1 and 6.5 


Send me an email and I'll send you some labs that I do with my "Wacky Science" class. They might be more to your liking.

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