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A Field Guide to the Familiar


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A Field Guide to the Familar starts with the first frost and indian summer. I just pulled out my copy to restart. AGAIN! :lol: This is a really easy book to teach and self-educate with.



I stink at identification, and am contantly on the look out for lessons that are not based on successful identification. If you also HATE identification, another alternative resource is the detective worksheets in Considering God's Creation. Students can learn to use descriptive vocabulary instead of naming the organism.



And to just get outdoors in general, I like 15 Minutes Outdoors


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I wish it was a bit cheaper. I put it back on the shelf like 5 times, before I just sighed and bought it. A month later I was still glad I bought it, but I remember the day I bought it, being very indecisive about the price for a typical nonfiction sized paperback. Three years later I still like it, and don't see any need for it to be longer.

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I wish it was a bit cheaper. I put it back on the shelf like 5 times, before I just sighed and bought it. A month later I was still glad I bought it, but I remember the day I bought it, being very indecisive about the price for a typical nonfiction sized paperback. Three years later I still like it, and don't see any need for it to be longer.


Indeed!  Although I bought it used for $9.99 including shipping, so that isn't as bad as new.  I'm looking forward to getting it!

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