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I know it's all small potatoes compared to what some folks have on their plates.

Jenny in Florida

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I hope this doesn't come across as harsh, because it's not meant to.   When I found myself stressed/working almost beyond my ability,  dh decided that if everyone in the family wasn't working as hard as I was, then everyone needed to step up and take things off my plate in order to even things out a little. He realized there were things he could take off my plate- he does our laundry (kids do their own but dh does our laundry and the 'common' laundry like dishtowels, tablecloths, etc), keeps my car full of gas, washed, and handles maintenance promptly.  He also handles paying any non-monthly bills. I cover all the normal household bills like food, utilities, etc. and if a bill comes in for medical, property taxes, car tags, etc., he handles that.  He cooks dinner on days I work and he's off.  I'm not saying these are things you need taken off your plate but I think there are probably lots of little things you do every day that could be done by another family member.


The kids have likewise taken over some tasks.  They all seem like small things but they add up. And it really sounds like you're working harder than anyone in your house. It was kind of hard for me to give up control and to make the kids do things that have always been my job, but it's working out well. 


My youngest dd has anxiety issues and also doesn't drive- so I get you there, but it's taking a LOT of your time to transport her to various things. She can chip in and help take something off your plate. I know both of your kids do chip in- I'm suggesting you up the ante.  



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