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MUS- Mastery Question- When to move to the next lesson


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We just finished the first section and I'm pretty confident about moving ds on to the next one.  I did help him a little with the test but it was more of a question about what info they were asking for.  I was looking more for how well he can do the work overall than how well he does on the test questions.  I think that if they have the concept down, it's fine to move on.  We do a lot of review as well so that he doesn't lose what he's learned.  You can always go back and do more activity pages (some are available on the website if you don't have the book) if you thing she missed something.  


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I feel if they have the concept down then move on. There is plenty of revision in MUS so they will be reviewing those concepts for a while anyway. I do score our tests and would probably move on at 80%+ score, 50-80% I would spend an additional day or 2 playing and reviewing before moving on. My dd had never gotten less than 100% though so i have never really had to consider if/when to move on.

If they are struggling to get the concept then take a break, play some games that cover that concept, review using blocks/lego/money whatever so that you are practicing the same skill but in a different way without the workbook.

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