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Singapore Math-Can I switch from U.S. to Standards?


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Easily? Relatively easily?


Evencrabbier 9 is almost finished with Singapore Math 4a, U.S. edition, and I'd like to switch to Standards with 4b: Can he easily transition from the U.S. edition to Standards?


He is comfortable working with decimals and negative numbers; however, I do not exactly remember the differences between the two editions. I just know they are different. :)


Thank you in advance for any help or advice! :)


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From Singapore's FAQ:


  1. Can we switch from the US Edition to the Standards Edition? 
    For 1A-2B it is possible to switch from the A book in the U.S. Edition to the B book in the Standards Edition. For levels 3-5, you will need to finish the B books of one level before switching to A book of the next level and not switch mid year. Between levels 5 and 6, it is not advisable to switch editions at all.

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If he wants to do negative numbers, you could just get the Math Mammoth blue topic book on Integers:




It's only $3.75 as a PDF download. :)


I'm thinking the other thing not covered in US edition Singapore was some data and probability stuff:




That one is $5.30 as a PDF.


Oh, and MM often has 20% off sales, like every other month it seems. So you could even get them cheaper than that. Certainly cheaper than a Singapore Standards text. :)


FWIW, I didn't find the negative numbers work to be very inspiring in Singapore. My son learned nothing new from what he had learned when we discussed negative numbers on a napkin at age 5. :tongue_smilie: I don't think it even got into multiplication and division of negative numbers at that level. It really was quite basic. You're not missing much.

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I used US for 1 and then switched to standards in 2. The Singapore site has a list of differences. I thought the standards edition has reviews incorporated better through the text than the us edition. The HiG for standards is significantly better. From my memory, standards goes back more to the 3rd edition used in Singapore and includes some additional topics not in US edition.


I was very pleased with the standards edition. We also used CWP and IP.

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I'm not convinced Standards is really better.


I did switch after 2B when Standards became available, and then did the same with the next child to avoid buying new textbooks, but now I'm thinking of switching back. If they change and make a CC version, I can definitely see us switching back.


The reason is that we use most of the IP and CWP books for each level. The IP is lined up with the Us edition but doesn't line up as well with Standards. I dislike the way the topics are shifted around in Standards. It's usually obvious when they are moved around and tacked on. And I rarely use the extra practice section in the text due to using the extra books. I do like the color, though.

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