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A "Serious Error in Judgment?" WHAT??????

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This whole story makes me mad.


I heard on NPR yesterday that the story hit the mainstream media on their freaking wedding anniversary. Nice.


But here's what I'd really love to see in our world:


I'd love to see one of these idiot politicians' wives just beat the living daylights out of their husbands on TV when they make that obligatory, "I didn't mean to hurt my family," speech. I am so darn tired of watching these smart, beautiful, accomplished women standing behind their husbands' shoulders during these stupid, disingenuous speeches with the the same vapid look to their eyes.


Who was the idiot who racked up the $100,000 hooker bill recently? I would have sent his wife flowers and $100 if she had just whomped that jerk on TV for me. If you've got enough disposable income to spend a HOUSE on prostitues, we've got a big problem with your paycheck. And there stood his wife right over his shoulder staring off into space while he filled us all in on the details...


I have two other problems with politicians who cheat on their spouses.


1. If you are stupid enough to think you are going to pull the wool over the media's eyes and cavort around with another woman without getting found out, you are too stupid to serve in public office. The media love doing this. That's what we pay them to do now. Deal with it or go back to being a "nobody." It's kind of peaceful over on this side of the fence anyway.


2. Even if you believe that your private life and your political life are completely seperate, it's incredibly naive to believe that enough of your constituents will believe the same thing and re-elect you. So now you're stupid AND naive, not great characteristics for people running the largest economy in world history.


But those are just my opinions. :D





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