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In desperate need of a schedule


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I am in desperate need of a schedule. I am not afraid of being militant about it. However I just don't know what to do with it.


Here is what we have. I need to work 24 hours a week between the hours of 9am and 10pm. Days don't matter I can schedule all 7 days.

We have karate on Tues/Thur so the slot from 5:30pm to 9pm is gone on those nights.

We have speech/debate on Mondays so the slot from 1:30pm to 6:30pm is gone.


How should I schedule work as well as school with this?


I am sure I am making a mountain out of a molehill but it just seems to overwhelming!





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My goal would be to keep it simple and as similar day-to-day as possible. How about this:


Monday through Friday:

8 am to 12 pm - school subjects that require your participation


Tuesday through Friday

1 pm to 5 pm work  (16 hrs/wk) while DC do independent studies and/or free time


Sat and Sunday

9 am to 1 pm work (8 hrs/wk) while DC are likely sleeping late or having free time





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