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8th grade: a year of US History or Modern Global WWYD?

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Subject: 13 year old boy. No known learning issues, clever. Loves history (well, as much as this 13 year old can love school these days). This is one of the subjects he doesn't whine about. He did SOTW 1-4 in grammar stage and did very well. In 5th we started the cycle all over again.


Our major resources:


5th grade: K12 Human Odyssey book 1 and Oxford Ancient World series. Not all the Oxford books, but a fair number. Primary sources where available


6th grade: K12 Human Odyssey book 1&2 and Oxford Medieval and Early Modern world and History of US where relevent (maybe just the first one?) Primary sources when available


7th grade K12 Human Odyssey book 2,  History of US, Critical Thinking in US History first two books. I feel like I did a good job of covering the US colonial period and the revolution. I didn't spend much time on the period following. We then focused in on US history again in the period leading up to the US Civil War.


New information: Boy has just told me that next year(9th grade) he wants to attend the local public high school. I don't blame him, all his friends moved to public school long ago.


Question: I am torn between having him continue on with a last year of modern global history or having him do a year focused on US history? I am a bit concerned about him going to high school without having a year specifically focused on US History. We live in NY so he will have a year of US History in 11th grade with a Regent exam and possibly an AP test. He must sit and pass the Regent exam to graduate. I assume they will teach him all he needs to know for the test. He would also be taking that test if he were a homeschooler as well. There are 5 Regent exams that NY homeschoolers may take and US History is one of them. I planned on having him take those tests.


He's never had a year of only US history, but we have covered it. In the past three years I have taken time to focus in on major topics of US history. 7th grade stopped just before the US Civil War. I intended to start with that and the reconstruction next month. The World Wars would be global in study, but I was also going to focus in on the US Civil Rights movement as well.


If we do modern global history I would use:

K12 Human Odyssey book 3, Critical thinking in US History books 3 and 4, and (maybe) Hakim

I am less enamored with Hakim for an 8th grader. Loved her with a younger kid though. However her books are easy to read and work well when we need to dip into a subje


If we study American History I would use:

K12 book American Odyssey and the Critical Thinking in US History books


For both assume that there would be various and sundry other supplements. I am have some Critical Thinking Press history books that deal with DBQs, a Netflix subscription, a local field trip etc


I asked him and he said he wanted global, but was fine with US. He said he wanted to study modern world history because 'I need to know what was happening in Japan and Africa and stuff like that" I pointed out that the US interacts with the world so it isn't like other countries wouldn't show up in our studies. I am more concerned that he won't be all that engaged by going back to the land bridge and Columbus etc.


If you got this far, thanks for reading. Jeepers, can I be any more boring? I bore myself! :lol:  Imagine how my poor husband feels.

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As no one else is giving an opinion - here's mine: It looks like you have done a pretty good job of covering history so far and I suspect your son knows plenty of US history even though you never had a year dedicated to it. So, I suggest, let him choose. He is likely to know more than kids at school about history so I don't think it is very important for you to worry about that.

As he likes history, let me suggest he compete in National History Day (just google it). You start at the regional level, the best go to State and then Nationals. All my kids have made it to state and 3 of the 4 to nationals.He can pick a topic related to something he will be studying. PM me if he decides to do it and I can give you some tips.

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