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HOW do you supplement Miquon with Math Mammoth (or Singapore)?


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DS will be doing 2nd grade Math Mammoth this year. I thought adding Miquon we would have some fun, hands-on reinforcement learning. Now that I have Miquon in my hands, I'm not sure how to go about it! He doesn't need to start from the beginning of Miquon but we'll probably do a few easier things for practicing with c-rods. I want to coordinate doing some Miquon on Monday that is the same topic as MM, then do the MM on that topic for the rest of the week (or as long as it lasts.) I am tempted to rearrange the Miquon books in a binder by category (a-z) so I'm not flipping through various books just to see a certain topic. Is that what a lot of people do? I just noticed that's how Annotations is organized. Do you just go through Miquon regardless of what you are doing in MM (or Singapore - since they seem to be used together often)? What ways do you do it? Does anyone have an actual chart of sections of MM and Miquon lined up?  I'm afraid of math overkill, as well, but I do feel ds could use a little reinforcement for retention and comprehension reasons. That's why I'd like it coordinated. Thanks!

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I am looking forward to the replies.

I have an upcoming 1st grader and we are starting Miquon for the first time and I wanted to do MM, too.

My plan (for lack of a better) is to just start from the beginning of Miquon and go through as fast as he needs until he gets to a standstill, then go to MM. 

So, I'm really wondering what other options are suggested or brought up here.


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Last year I used MEP and Miquon.  I didn't try to coordinate them, just worked through both separately.  This year I am going to try to introduce things through Miquon so that he can discover the skill or strategy using the rods, if that makes sense.  I will also let him just pick pages out of Miquon.



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I wouldn't try to coordinate them.  It's such a completely different program, that I think you have to just do it its own way.  However, with a second grader, I think your plan of rearranging the pages is fine and might serve him well.  Second or third graders just starting the program will have enough knowledge to fly through some of the sections.  If Miquon is supplemental for you guys, then I'd really encourage you to just let it be free form and allow him to choose the pages.  Of course, you can also turn to it as a way to reinforce tricky concepts, but I'd try to let the program do what it's best at and be discovery based.  When he picks something, then support it with the rods and other activities.

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Agree with farrarwilliams. In the past I've used Miquon with Singapore, and now we're using it with Math Mammoth. I've never tried to rearrange pages. For most programs, I feel like we get the most out of them when we use them as they were intended to be used. At the very least, it's easier than trying to coordinate them. :-) In this way, the programs provide review rather than reinforcement for each other, but the child still gets the benefit of learning multiple ways to do problems.

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