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Photo share options


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I thought it would be fun to set up a photo share site for my siblings. We each live in different states and only get to see each other every other year. In the mean time our children are growing up fast! I am hoping for a site that we can download pictures and add captions. I have used Shutterfly for a school event, but we had problems downloading the pics when we needed them for a slideshow. Any other options besides Shutterfly or Facebook?



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We recently started using google+ and love it.  People can make comments and replies under the photos. Just make sure your site is listed 'private/family'... that way only people the owner invites can see the photos. Dh does something so that whenever he adds photos, everyone on his 'family' list gets an e-mail so we all know to go and see what's new. 


I'm not sure how it works other than that, but I would guess each sibling has their own account, and if you're all in the same friends circle, their photos show up on your site. I think that's similar to Facebook, no? (I don't do FB)


Even my parents & ILs love it, and they are in their 70s!


I can't help with the downloading thing, but if it didn't work, could you not just e-mail the person who uploaded them and have them sent e-mail? (I'm not too tech savvy!) I have, however, downloaded photos from Shutterfly before (many, many photos), so maybe whoever 'owned' the album had some settings set to disallow that?

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