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Dutch for Kids - Review?


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This is NOT DinoLingo.


This is www.dutchforkids.nl


Skype lessons are silly crazy $$$$, but with having a native speaker in the house, we were thinking about the Independent study option. Starts at 100 eu for what seems to be a decent amount of material.


But there are no samples!


I know this is a long-shot, but there are some Dutch speakers around, has anyone used this? Or know anyone who has used it?


BTW, my MIL did send some little books and sheets, and I found some stuff online, but my husband doesn't quite know how to use them, nor uses them consistently enough. I'm much better than he is at piecing together materials, but I don't know very much Dutch, so that doesn't help here at all. My husband needs a scripted plan.

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I had a look at the site. We haven't used it, nor do I know the instructor, but the prices are comparable to what we pay for Skype lessons from our tutor in NL. I think it depends on what you're after -- if you want the kids to learn Dutch and learn it well, you might want to go with De Wereldschool. http://www.wereldsch...igrantenpakket/

They have a special program for Dutch kids who are living permanently in a foreign country. We use De Wereldschool for many of our VWO courses and have had a generally good experience. Hugely expensive though. It's accredited by the government and accountable to the ministry for education as the only school of its kind in NL, so you do have an assurance of quality.

Are there any Dutch Saturday schools where you live? That might be another option. I know a Dutch teacher in NYC who might still be teaching kids, it's been a while. PM me if you would like me to see whether I can find her contact details.

Before doing Dutch for K, I'd definitely look around and see whether there are other options, because, while it could be really good, it could be really bad. You could contact the international schools in NL to see who teaches the Dutch as a second language in those schools and see whether those teachers might be available by Skype. We've had quite a bit of luck with using Skype in NL.

Good luck.

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I just noticed that you're in FL. I checked the Stichting Nederlands Onderwijs in het Buitenland site, and they list the following school in FL:


Not sure if you're anywhere nearby, but it might be worth speaking with them anyway.

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Thanks for the link to the Dutch school! It's a bit far, and they seem to be taking the summer off. We'll be moving to outside Atlanta in a few months, and I believe there is a similar school there.


Wereld school is just too pricey for us. Since my husband is a native speaker, we don't think we need Skype sessions and so on. Just the textbook "Dutch as a Foreign Language for Kids" that has scripted lessons, but alas, that doesn't seem to exist. I'm hoping that the independent study option of Dutch for Kids might be a close second. But I just don't know.

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I'm in NL this week, Mon through Fri, near Tilburg. I'll probably try to get to Plantage Boekenhandel, which has kids' textbooks etc (at least the one in A'dam does). If I do, I can have a look for you to see whether there is anything like what you're looking for. I think what you're looking for falls under the category of "N2T" or Nederlands als Tweede Taal. (see http://www.nt2.nl/onderwerpen/nederlands_voor_jonge_beginners)

Just pm me your email and I'll get in touch. I'm going to try to get similar material for my 6 yo, who understands a lot of Dutch but doesn't speak much (other than "nee!" and "ijsje?" and "snoep" and "speeltuin")

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Saw - sent you a PM.


Unfortunately for my kid, he is so obstinate that if my dh says anything he doesn't completely know he gets mad. But he knows enough that if we just try to explain the things he knows he yells "I know that!"


My MIL sent some picture pages for word identification, but those don't really help, and my dh doesn't really know how to use them. What I would like is a Kindergarten-level LA workbook. If that makes sense. I try explaining it to my MIL and it just doesn't work, and my DH is pretty clueless about early elementary education, so he's no help either!

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