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Friend making for early elementary age dd


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This week was rough for dd. She is early elementary age and very introverted. She had several different classes/events this week and overheard several of the girls (at different times) talking about play dates they had been on at each other's houses. The girls weren't being mean, but didn't realize that girls not invited on one of these play dates might feel left out. I have noticed that girls her age have begun to develop some closer friendships, but dd doesn't have a friend that she spends more time with/is getting to know well.


DD gets along with everyone and isn't overly shy, but she just doesn't talk that much or interact much in large groups (more than 2 or 3 kids). She tends to sit back and watch everyone else, but doesn't know how to join a group, start a game, just run around and have fun, etc. Also, when she does interact with kids in a smaller group setting she sometimes misses social cues (how to tell when someone isn't interested in what she's saying, when someone is tired of a game/activity, etc.)


She will never be one of those popular kids that is the life of the party, but I want to help her learn how to make a couple of close friendships and do a better job of reading social cues.


Any ideas?

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The only way I've found to help an introverted child is to find a mom you like who has a child that gets along with yours. Invite them over to play, have lunch, or just meet at the park or pool. Sometimes a one on one activity with moms nearby can help an introverted child develop some friendships.

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