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IEW SWI B Continuation course or WWS

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Are you asking about doing SWI-B before WWS, or SICC-B (continuation course) before WWS? Your title says one, but post indicates another. Have you already looked at the comparison charts that show what is covered in SWI vs SICC? Topics in SWI Topics in SICC


My DS did IEW SWI-B this past year and will start WWS in the next few weeks. I don't feel a need to pursue SICC-B but we'll see how things go with WWS. (I also added in Paragraph Writing Made Easy and a short book on formal outlining after he finished SWI because I'd read they would be helpful prior to WWS.) WWS has always been my goal for him, but he needed what IEW teaches to build his confidence in writing and help him see that he is good at it. The clear, incremental steps, the key word outline method, and the dressup checklists in IEW helped him immensely. Now I believe he's ready (skill-wise, and emotionally, LOL) to do WWS.


I don't have any real BTDT advice, but you might be interested in this thread if you haven't seen it already. It's about using both IEW and WWS (but not concurrently) and how they complement each other.


Mostly just consider this a bump. :coolgleamA:

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