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Guest Desi in Kentucky

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Guest Desi in Kentucky

Hi! It's been a l-o-n-g time since I've been an active member on a forum, so I'm a bit rusty, but a bit excited about being a member of this one.


My name is Desi and I live in Kentucky with my husband and six children: a 9 year old, 7 year old twins, 6 year old twins, and a soon to be 5 year old.


We homeschooled our children up until September of last year, then put them into public school because my DH's health was really bad and I just felt overwhelmed. Well... after they have wasted this entire school year in the public school system, I sit them down on the first day of summer break and realize that they did not advance AT ALL in reading skills and barely in math. My preschooler and my six year old boys who spent the entire year in kindergarten are both reading at the same level... and the preschooler has better speed! I was so shocked because we live in a 'good' district, but here my boys were without making any discernible progress all year long?? Not that we hadn't noticed little things throughout the school year, but when you're juggling an ill husband and six demanding teachers, the simple thing slipped me by- like whether or not my son could sound out the word 'chat' in less than a minute. {which he couldn't!} At any rate, I felt horrible for sticking them in school, but I have already began attempting to make up for it and working with them. I've told all of them that they are not going back to public school, and have ordered our curriculum for this upcoming year so here I am!

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