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Medieval History Program

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I am looking to run a different schedule next year with 6 - six week sessions. Most of the curriculum I have found seems to be planned out this way but I am having trouble finding a Midieval curriculum for my 7th grader. I would prefer one that has the information broken into 6 week parts if possible.


Any suggestions?

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Thank you for the suggestions I do really like Biblioplan but there are some weeks that are 8 and some are 5 so it's not going to flow the way I want it to but if it's the right program then I guess I will have to make it work. I really want a literature rich program with maps, timelines and we like to make a notebook as well. We just finished MOH and I felt that she didn't retain much of anything. Too many test and not enough interaction with the material. She usually ended up testing better on the pre-test then the test after reading the chapter! :huh: I also felt like the chapters went too fast and didn't go into enough detail and the literature that we used seemed off track with the book?


But, I also want something that I can tweak into a six week schedule. I like the idea of having a set number of weeks for a topic and then being able to take a break and start fresh with a different topic. Maybe I can just double up on the first section of BP to make it work in 6 weeks and then have time for review of the sessions that are shorter?


We used TGTL with my 5th grader and I loved the way it flowed and that she was able to go into detail about the topics covered. On the downside I felt that she didn't get enough of a picture of AH so we are doing another year. She did retain what she learned and enjoyed all the literature that was assigned and it tied in directly to the chapter we were studying.


I would love to find something similar to use with my 7th grader. In fact, on many days she asked if she could have a book like the one her sister used.

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