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Anyone have any experience with extreme fatigue and low hemoglobin, but normal ferritin and iron-binding? What might cause it?


No one? I've been searching but can't find anything. My 3yo has these symptoms, and now they're testing her for all sorts of bad to horrible things. I'm gettting very nervous about it, but I can't find anything online that seems to match her symptoms. I was hoping someone here had something similar (and hopefully harmless) happen in a young child. Thanks.

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I think you need additional lab results in order to diagnose this such as RDW, iron levels, MCV amd MCH. What did your doctor think it was?


I would guess it could be anemia from chronic disease or from inflammation or infection.


Again, your doctor should be able to look at the results and tell. Hope you feel better soon?

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I think you need additional lab results in order to diagnose this such as RDW, iron levels, MCV amd MCH. What did your doctor think it was?



I know she has normal iron levels and a normal RDW, but there was an MC? that was a little high. There's no sign of infection at all. Does that help?

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Anemia with evidence of adequate iron stores and elevated MCV is seen with Pernicious Anemia (autoimmune destruction of gastric parietal cells leads to loss of intrinsic factor and sets up a B-12 deficiency state), B-12 Deficiency, and Folate Deficiency.

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