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Lightning literature which level?

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The high school American literature sets are especially recommended for students new to Lightning Literature. However, I'd recommend browsing the book selection for each level and choosing the one that most interests your DD. We used levels 7 and 8 (middle school), American lit, and now Shakespeare. The British literature did not appeal to my student so we took a year to do Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings. Great fun.

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No, I wouldn't have a 10th grader take the level 8 Lightning Literature course unless there were some special circumstances (learning disabilities, etc.). She shouldn't have any trouble with the American literature course. I feel like I should let you know that many folks think LL is quite light as far as literary analysis goes. This suits our needs perfectly but if you are looking for something to teach your DD rigorous literary analysis, you should ask for other recommendations that would help to meet your goals. LL probably isn't it.

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