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Anyone use WriteShop with multiple children? Just a few weeks ago I purchased book A for my first grader and book C for my third grader. Thought it would be fantastic to just slot in some time each day to work through. But I cant seem to just open it up and go! There appears to be prep work that I have to do first. So after 4 weeks of this term, we have done I think 2 lessons each. Can anyone explain how its possible to fit this program into our weekly schedule? I keep thinking I need some time one weekend to prepare, but that never seems to happen. How much prep time is needed and how long do you use this program on daily/weekly basis?

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I'm going to be very unhelpful; I'm here to commiserate. I couldn't make WriteShop work, and I was only using it with one. I found it to require more preparation than I wanted, and we were spending time on crafty-type activities that I just don't do very well. I switched programs after a few weeks of only being able to make it work sporadically.

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I'm using Writing With Ease. I use the workbooks, so it's open-and-go (which around here means it gets done). I spend 5-10 minutes per day on writing with each girl, and that's it. And it has been surprisingly effective! I wasn't sure how copywork and narration would work day to day and have been pleasantly surprised to see how it has given my eldest daughter the skills she needed to write on creatively on her own.

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I also would have to say I started disliking it pretty soon after starting, though I kept going with it for awhile. (I did Primary A). I finally got to the point where I would sum up the section and do it all in 1 day for 10-15 minutes (meaning I skipped the repetitive first part after the first day). I'm not doing it again.

I was really disappointed and wanted to like it because it seems so fun and simple and useful, but I couldn't.

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I saw it for the first time at the Homeschool Book Fair last weekend and I REALLY wanted to like it because I have noticed DD doesn't seem to get how stories are built, etc, when she is making them up to tell me or explaining things she has watched or heard read. I thought it would be great to start her for next year, but after 20 minutes of the rep showing thing after thing, I gave up. It looked so complicated and like a ton of work for me! I decided to just get Draw-Write-Now and instead of handwriting, help her to create some simple stories about the pictures she draws. I think we could even do this through the first couple grades before we do something more intense, and at that point I will reevaluate WriteShop, as well as look at other options.

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