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Book Recs for a Newbie!!

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Hi all....I'm posting this on the high school board because I'm hoping that those of you that have come before can help me out. This was our first year of homeschooling and it went really well. I'm trying to set goals for where I'm headed with these kiddies and would like some of your wisdom to point me in the right direction. I'm looking for book titles that can help me become a better teacher. What are some titles you wish you would have read earlier or just some good books that have helped you along the way. I've read the WTM and all the "everything you ever wanted to know about homeschooling" fare. I also have these on my summer reading list so far:


Corbett's rhetoric book

Science Matters


Any others??

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Hi all....I'm posting this on the high school board because I'm hoping that those of you that have come before can help me out. This was our first year of homeschooling and it went really well. I'm trying to set goals for where I'm headed with these kiddies and would like some of your wisdom to point me in the right direction. I'm looking for book titles that can help me become a better teacher. What are some titles you wish you would have read earlier or just some good books that have helped you along the way. I've read the WTM and all the "everything you ever wanted to know about homeschooling" fare. I also have these on my summer reading list so far:


Corbett's rhetoric book

Science Matters


Any others??



If there are subject areas that you are less familiar with, it's worth picking up some good popular works on that subject. Sometimes historical fiction or a popular history or biography can give me a much better feel for a period, which I can then pass along. Jeff Shaara for US history (especially military related), Victor Davis Hanson for classics. Sharon Kaye Penman for medieval British.


I've enjoyed Todd Wilson's observations about homeschool family life, in part because he's so honest about getting things wrong. Lies Homeschool Moms Believe and Help I'm Married to a Homeschool Mom are books (though I actually like the workshop he does on Lies a little more than the book).


Who Killed Homer? is an older book by Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath that reminds me why studying classics matters. If you find yourself wondering why you want to cover ancient history and mythology, this gives a pretty good answer (and also is a good defense of history in general).


I also think it's worth working through the logic and rhetoric lists in WTM yourself. Not necessarily all of them and definitely on a lighter pace. Add a good Teaching Company lecture series or Modern Scholar set to help you through them if you want. In the last year I've reread a couple classics that I'd last read in high school or college. It was interesting how different I found them. Some I found to be far richer than I recalled. Others were just as bad, but in different ways (I still cannot bear Wuthering Heights). One was far more specific in it's brutality than I'd remembered, and I'm glad I reread it before handing it to my sons to read (They may still read it, but our conversations will be tuned differently).

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If there are subject areas that you are less familiar with, it's worth picking up some good popular works on that subject. Sometimes historical fiction or a popular history or biography can give me a much better feel for a period, which I can then pass along. Jeff Shaara for US history (especially military related), Victor Davis Hanson for classics. Sharon Kaye Penman for medieval British.


I've enjoyed Todd Wilson's observations about homeschool family life, in part because he's so honest about getting things wrong. Lies Homeschool Moms Believe and Help I'm Married to a Homeschool Mom are books (though I actually like the workshop he does on Lies a little more than the book).


Who Killed Homer? is an older book by Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath that reminds me why studying classics matters. If you find yourself wondering why you want to cover ancient history and mythology, this gives a pretty good answer (and also is a good defense of history in general).


I also think it's worth working through the logic and rhetoric lists in WTM yourself. Not necessarily all of them and definitely on a lighter pace. Add a good Teaching Company lecture series or Modern Scholar set to help you through them if you want. In the last year I've reread a couple classics that I'd last read in high school or college. It was interesting how different I found them. Some I found to be far richer than I recalled. Others were just as bad, but in different ways (I still cannot bear Wuthering Heights). One was far more specific in it's brutality than I'd remembered, and I'm glad I reread it before handing it to my sons to read (They may still read it, but our conversations will be tuned differently).




This is great, thanks! I've looked over the Teacher Company and Modern Scholar offerings. Wow, I didn't even know that was out there.....very helpful. Working through the WTM myself is a good idea too. My oldest is going into 7th so I can start 9th grade reading now for myself and I think I can stay one or maybe two years ahead of her. Very good advice.

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This is great, thanks! I've looked over the Teacher Company and Modern Scholar offerings. Wow, I didn't even know that was out there.....very helpful. Working through the WTM myself is a good idea too. My oldest is going into 7th so I can start 9th grade reading now for myself and I think I can stay one or maybe two years ahead of her. Very good advice.


Do check the library for the lecture series titles. They can get quite expensive. Teaching Company/Great Courses runs regular sales, during which titles are marked down 70%. Don't buy them full price.

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Do check the library for the lecture series titles. They can get quite expensive. Teaching Company/Great Courses runs regular sales, during which titles are marked down 70%. Don't buy them full price.


Just checked....my library has most of them!!! Off to a great start!! Thank you!!

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Do check the library for the lecture series titles. They can get quite expensive. Teaching Company/Great Courses runs regular sales, during which titles are marked down 70%. Don't buy them full price.


Just checked....my library has most of them!!! Off to a great start!! Thank you!!

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