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3 Hours to Kill in Boston near the Children's Hospital


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Some of you may remember that I posted in January looking for schooling advise for my middle kids when my oldest son was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Our family has adjusted to the "new normal" of life with cancer and I'm not worried about their educations anymore. However, treatment for ds has not gone the way they thought it would. He didn't respond to the chemo that 92% of patients are cured by, and so after 5 rounds (and 3 different regiments) we are going to Boston - most likely for surgery. We made the drive out a few weeks ago to meet the oncologist and will be headed back for appointments on Tuesday with pre-op and the surgeon. We are hoping to drive into Boston Monday night and stay at the Ronald McDonald house. Then we should have free time from noon to 3 PM. We will obviously have to eat during that time (Because who is hungrier than a teenage boy? A teenage boy on appetite stimulants), but I would also like to find something fun to do. I won't have the younger kids with me, and ds has been in pretty good shape lately, so he can do lots of walking. So if we have 3 hours to eat and blow off steam near the Children's Hospital, what should we do?

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