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Duolingo for high school Spanish credit?

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I would really love to find a computer-based Spanish program for my 8th grade dd for Spanish. Would Duolingo be enough to count as a high school credit? If not, can you recommend a supplement or something to beef it up enough? Maybe Galore Park?


Is there something else out there you like better?


Thanks for any help!!



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Bumping this for you because I would like to know too. My son has struggled with Switched on School House Spanish 1 this year. (His sister has no problems at all with this curriculum) It has been a battle. He tried Duolingo and loves it. He is actually is walking around saying things in Spanish. I currently have him spend an hour a day on it which he has been happily sticking too. He says he has learned more in the last couple of weeks then he ever did before. I am still trying to figure out how to handle this.

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I think it would be hard to quantify when a semester's worth of Spanish has been covered. The DUolingo site has this study:




but it is based on college placement tests, and starts at placing out of 1 semester of Spanish, (ie. a year of high school Spanish) with a score of 270-345. Elsewhere in the study, they equate an hour of Duolingo to 8 points on this test, which comes out to 33 - 43 hours. That's a big range and the Duolingo site doesn't appear to track time (or proficiency)


If you had access to a similar test, or high school Spanish tests, you could test at the end of the semester to ensure that a semester's worth has been covered and/or determine a grade, but it seems a bit vague.

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