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The HBO series, John Adams- was this a miserable experience for anyone else?

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Oh, wow. That's not how we saw it *at*all*. I'm sort of amazed...


The kids and I watched it together. (I had to fastforward through two or three scenes in the whole series.) I thought they showed a man of strength, intellect and principle -- a man who was torn between duty to his country at a pivotal time for the whole world, and his love for his family and his small farm. A man with a rather gruff exterior, not openly affectionate or emotional...


There were times when I didn't like him much. I liked him best when he was balanced by the even temper and loving kindness of his wife. (Also not an outwardly emotional or affectionate person.)


But what I came away with was his love for truth, for justice, for the law... For what he believed to be right. For his country...


No, I wouldn't want to be married to him. ;)


But I felt great respect for the character as portrayed in the movie -- and I didn't think it was far off from the way McCullough and Adams' own letters portray him. Great virtues, great flaws...



Oh, I agree with Abbey! After the first few episodes, I was hooked. I felt I had a much better appreciation for the birth of the United States after watching this series. In my opinion, the characterizations were rich and didn't particularly "glorify" any one man or woman. The dry humor, and friendship between Adams and Jefferson was so charming. I thought Adams' "change" at the end was intriguing! ( Of course, Abigail Adams' fortitude and wisdom are very compelling.)



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I ABSOLUTELY loved the series! I checked it out from our local library and was completely enthralled. Yes, the portrayal of John Adams was harsh, but he was a harsh man living in harsh, dangerous times! Life wasn't all gumdrops and bon bons for these people (except maybe Ben Franklin when he was in France)! They were at war and trying to keep their new, fragile nation together - not an easy feat, just look where we are 200+ years later!


It's inspired me to break out my dusty copies of the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist and to read more on the American Revolution. The series has definitely motivated me to relearn our nation's history!

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We're watching it right now, but have only watched the first couple of episodes. So far so good. My folks were stranded here this past weekend due to the incredible snow storm (I was in Dallas at Six Flags) and if they hadn't had this series to watch (we have the dvds) they would have been bored to death. They really enjoyed the whole thing.

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