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My 7th grader wrote something last week...


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that did not suck. :party:


We dropped all history and most science last semester to focus on writing. I have posted on here before about her nonsensical, disorganized writing, and in frustration, I have purchased and used, just this year, WWS, EIW and IEW, and I have Write Shop on its way to me. But in between IEW and EIW and WWS, we have been plugging away, plugging away, plugging away, using tips from here there and everywhere (special shout-out to 8filltheheart for an old post of hers on the SN board that provided important details and encouragement). I am not declaring victory quite yet--Lord knows she has a very long way to go, but I see light! For the first time ever, I see light. And I have to say that for us, the best (and cheapest) resources I have used are a couple of workbooks by Gary Robert Muschla, "Exploring Writing" and "Mastering Writing." I picked them up at Borders a couple of years ago, and though they include little more than worksheets with writing, organizing and editing assignments, I think that the constant repetition is paying off. Something is paying off anyway. We will be slogging through many more years of writing, and there will no doubt be many more tantrums and tears (from both of us), but I am so very encouraged.



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