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Combining SL & WP

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I've heard people chat about combining Core F & CAW, but has anyone actually combined Cores G & H with the three Quests from WP? Next year my plan was, originally to have my son do SL G, but I love the hands on aspect of WP. I'm debating combining them, but where as SL does 2 years, WP has 3 years. So I'm not sure how I'd balance that out, kwim?


We've combine F & CAW by simply using CAW & adding in the F literature which is working well for us. I'm wondering about doing the same with the Quests & G-H. I'm undecided though.. If you've done this I'd love to hear how.. :D

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I will be watching the replies. I am thinking of doing the same thing for core G and H. I wanted to do the 3 quest cores with the boys but they were allergic to anything hands on so I got rid of the quests. Now dd has come along and adores anything hands on ( :hurray: )

My thoughts were similar...use WP and add in the SL books. I think it would work much better this way.

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I have combined SL with WP AS 1& 2 and modestly this year with SL F and WP CAW. I have not combined G/H with WP because we are not there yet. I buy the IG for the program we are using the most and simply add titles from the program at the appropriate time (chronologically). I write the complete list of titles in the order they are to be read, and shelve them in this order. So easy! This can get pretty pricey, but if you start your search far enough in advance, you should be able to find everything you need used, which helps. I have used WP as my "core" in previous years, but think that SL will be my "core" next year (G). As a side note, although you are not supposed to sell WP exclusives, I have always been able to buy these used. I love having the best of both worlds. Both programs have great resources and it does not take too much energy to combine them. I will say that if I can find both IGs used, I would like to have both to peruse....probably wont happen, but I can dream :)

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:lol: That's okay, I did love reading how you combined the geographical cores. ;)


For me I've combined F & CAW by using CAW & adding the awesome literature from SL. We were just in over our heads with Core F. We weren't getting anything else done with all the crazy research because my son wasn't quite ready to do it all on his own & his vision issues only made that harder. This is a perfect medium for us. I think Core F would be an amazing Core for a 14 or 15 year old though, I really do!




I bet it will be harder to find Core G used because they made the big switch-a-roo with it last year & those who didn't want it did a scramble to obtain used copies. All though I noticed on one of the public SL boards someone was asking if they could purchase an older G IG, I don't think they will be able to, but hey you never know. It doesn't hurt to ask. I do love the new layout, but when it's not my main core I can so see the benefits of the way it use to be paid out in order to have the extra book info at your fingertips.


Can I ask why you feel that your main will be Core G instead of Quest For Ancients? I have the samples of both the 2012 Core G & whatever the latest version of QOA is & am still debating. I see that Core G moves quicker, but I'm wondering if it's because Quests take up 3 years. I also read somewhere that QOA isn't in chronological order. I need to decide what I'm doing & if I want both IG's, I generally end up with both of them too..


I guess I should print out the samples for all the Quests & see how they compare with G & H, except that the newer samples for H won't be out until April 1st. I asked over on SL. :lol: ;)

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:lol: That's okay, I did love reading how you combined the geographical cores. ;)


For me I've combined F & CAW by using CAW & adding the awesome literature from SL. We were just in over our heads with Core F. We weren't getting anything else done with all the crazy research because my son wasn't quite ready to do it all on his own & his vision issues only made that harder. This is a perfect medium for us. I think Core F would be an amazing Core for a 14 or 15 year old though, I really do!




I bet it will be harder to find Core G used because they made the big switch-a-roo with it last year & those who didn't want it did a scramble to obtain used copies. All though I noticed on one of the public SL boards someone was asking if they could purchase an older G IG, I don't think they will be able to, but hey you never know. It doesn't hurt to ask. I do love the new layout, but when it's not my main core I can so see the benefits of the way it use to be paid out in order to have the extra book info at your fingertips.


Can I ask why you feel that your main will be Core G instead of Quest For Ancients? I have the samples of both the 2012 Core G & whatever the latest version of QOA is & am still debating. I see that Core G moves quicker, but I'm wondering if it's because Quests take up 3 years. I also read somewhere that QOA isn't in chronological order. I need to decide what I'm doing & if I want both IG's, I generally end up with both of them too..


I guess I should print out the samples for all the Quests & see how they compare with G & H, except that the newer samples for H won't be out until April 1st. I asked over on SL. :lol: ;)


I have been tracking "G" on eBay for about two weeks...lost a few bids actually:(

There have been a few sets come up (2000-2006 ish) and the are selling for around $270-280. I don't mind having an older IG as long as it is in good condition so the age hasn't been an issue.


Anywho, both programs use some of the same titles for read-alouds, but SL has more titles I have wanted to read. (BTW shared RA include: The golden goblet, The bronze bow, Hittite warrior & God king). I think I'm going to go with G as a core b/c it seems meatier....or at least it has more books. I know they both use SOTW but I also want to spend a little extra time with SOTW (activites) and don't plan to use MOH which is used in WP. I have not tried the SOTW audio, but think we will try this. (I am also planning on revisiting A child's history which we read with SL several years ago and still have on hand. Ds didn't get much out of it at the time, but I think he will now that he is a little older.).


I would like to do some hands-on activity and have found many SOTW "gravy" ideas online, but I'm curious what WP's Great ancient Egypt projects contains. Have you looked at it? I wish WP had an ancient kit the way they do for Middle Ages. I was very pleased with their kit for AS 1 and would like to see more like it!


Okay gotta run fix my hungry husband something to eat, please excuse my poor typing...I am on the iPad and trying to hurry.


Good luck


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I think they don't have an Egyptian Kit because they use a book with hands on in it: Great Ancient Egypt Hands On Projects. I haven't peeked at that book either though so I don't know what the projects look like. I didn't actually use the kits from the All American because we used the HSITW Time Traveler Cds which were AmAzing. We had so much hands on stuff I didn't bother with the kit, I also wasn't convinced the one with plum stones would get through. :lol:


What I like most about the Quests from WP is the notebooking pages that they have included. Have you peeped at the previews? They look amazing. I'm really hoping I can weave them into our SL if we go with Core G as our main, which is why I'm undecided yet. It's a shame neither company comes to my continent/country for a convention so I could have a chance to peep at them hands on. I did order catalogs from both {WP's had to be diverted through a US address} so I'm hoping I can compare that way as well.


SL does look meatier. They also go Chronologically from the best I can tell. I was trying to compare the 3 Quests with Core G yesterday & it looks like SL hits Middle Ages by week 15 where as WP doesn't cover that until the Second Quest. Same for the fall of Rome which is covered much earlier in SL. The other thing is that I'm not sure any of the Quests have been recently updated, not that it matters. I have no qualms with the older versions of WP that we've used, but I wonder if they will be making any changes. I'll probably be ordering things in July though so I don't know that it will effect me because if they do update it won't be until next year.


I know Core H is undergoing a huge overhaul this year like Core G went through last year. Oh my choices choices what's a gal to do! :lol:

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Did WP make new notebook pages? I was having a hard time with the online catalog, but it looked like there were some full-color pages. (I am a sucker for a colorful page. haha). Do these go with the Quests? I couldn't find any actual samples. Note booking hasn't gone over all that well here. We didn't use them with AS but I have "made" ds do them with CAW because with some added online printables we have been able to put together a very nice travel book and I think it helps him retain what he has learned. He likes hands-on, but not coloring and cut and paste. If you run across any cool projects for this year, I'd love to hear what you find:)



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Did WP make new notebook pages? I was having a hard time with the online catalog, but it looked like there were some full-color pages. (I am a sucker for a colorful page. haha). Do these go with the Quests? I couldn't find any actual samples. Note booking hasn't gone over all that well here. We didn't use them with AS but I have "made" ds do them with CAW because with some added online printables we have been able to put together a very nice travel book and I think it helps him retain what he has learned. He likes hands-on, but not coloring and cut and paste. If you run across any cool projects for this year, I'd love to hear what you find:)


If you buy any of their books as ebooks you now get them in color! :) I don't know if the Quest pages are new, but I really REALLY liked the Ancient pages. There were two sets of pages for children that go with Ancient. The samples for the quests are much easier to find on their new website. I'm not keen with online magazines. ;)




Have you seen the changes to Core G since they updated book choices? I don't remember what was on the old book list, but I know Core H had nearly everything overhauled. Just curious if you spotted that or not. :) Since you've done both SL & Quests.. Do the Quests cover the same material as G & H just spread out longer?

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