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Anyone combine Nancy Larson and BFSU?


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We will be afterschooling my 4.5 year old accelerated learner while we will be living in Mexico for the next few years. I really like Nancy Larson because I want a program that has everything I am going to need and is easily implemented, as we will not be HSing full time and not all things will be easy to find/have shipped while in Mexico. My issue is that, NL looks a little watered down, when compared to BFSU. So, I am wondering if anyone has combined them? I would love to stick to BFSU, but I just don't see me being able to pull it off given our circumstances. But, perhaps these two could complement one another. Any thoughts or experiences on using both? How did you combine/organize/structure them?

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I've posed questions about NL before and never gotten any/many responses. It would seem many are deterred from it by the price tag. I agree that it looks a bit light, but I've can't wrap my head around BFSU at all. I have no idea how one would integrate the two programs. Hope you get some responses.

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