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Woodrow For President


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I would say this book is more a "curriculum guide" than a curriculum. You will need to figure out the activites based on the guide - it doesn't have a specific schedule telling you what to do when.


The meat of the book gives ideas for approximately 20 activities that tie into the book, but does not give a great deal of detail. For example, here is one activity suggestion:


"Watch part of a national political convention on television. Look for the "Roll Call of the States." Write a report on what happened. Who spoke? What was your opinion of the proceedings?"


It doesn't give any more background or structure to the assignment.


The book also includes websites for further information, a terms glossary, and a bibliography and further reading section.


If would say this is a good supplement if you are wanting to put together a unit study on a presidential election. It definitely won't allow you to simply open and go...


Hope this helps a bit.

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