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Bible curriculum similar to MFW


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Is there a Bible curriculum that has the children read a verse or two and then leads them and the parent through a discussion about it? From looking at MFW samples, it seems that this is what they do and I really like it. However, I'm not sure yet if I want to actually use MFW or not. I am wondering if there is a Bible program that I can get that is similar to this style if I decide not to use MFW.


Thank you,


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We loved Adventures and our favorite part of it was Bible. We had a fantastic time. I still have YET to find a Bible curriculum that comes close to the layout of MFW Adventures. There were copywork pages and a poster of the names of Jesus that the kids added to every 2-3 weeks. At that age group they are beginning to learn how to look things up in the Bible and discuss deeper topics and it fit our family so well.


I got bored with Adventures and sold the curriculum at about Week 18. I wish I kept it longer just so we could finish the Bible part. :( I had a second edition. If you're truly intent on using it, you can find a used 1st edition at a fairly reasonable price.


However I would LOVE, LOVE to see if anyone could recommend a Bible curriculum with a similar layout to MFW Adventures.

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