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Quality literature for an 8th grader?


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What should every kid read in the 8th grade? We are going to be doing ancients (I know, we are not in sync with TWTM schedule). And if you can recommend anything not ancient Egypt of Greece that falls into the ancient category, that would be great. But, really, I'd like to know whatever great lit. your 8th graders are reading. Some of the books I have that suggest lit. for students don't tell me which books are age appropriate for a 13yo boy. Thanks!

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I'll share our tentative reading list, but we're doing 20th century history this year, not ancients, so I'm not sure how much help it will be for you. Also, I think my list includes some books that other parents might not find age appropriate, since this is a rather transitional age with a lot of variation in ability and readiness.


So with all those disclaimers out of the way, here's the list we're working with at the moment, subject to change. :D


The Call of the Wild (1903)

The Scarlet Pimpernel (1908)

The Great Gatsby (1925)

All Quiet on the Western Front (WWI)

The Good Master (WWI Hungary)

Murder on the Orient Express (1935)

Animal Farm (1945)

The Pearl (1947)

Diary of Anne Frank (WWII)

Fahrenheit 451 (1950)

Death of a Salesman (1949)

To Kill a Mockingbird (1960)

Watson’s Go to Birmingham--1963 (1963)

The Dispossessed (1970)

The Giver (1994)


We'll also cover quite a bit of poetry.

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